Council Coordination Committee

The Coordination Committee (CCC) consists of the chairs, vice chairs, and executive directors from each of the eight regional fishery management councils. The general purpose of the CCC is to address issues of relevance to all Councils, including issues related to the implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

The CCC typically meets twice per year. The primary, annual CCC meeting is hosted, on a revolving basis, by one of the Councils, normally in late spring or early summer. Generally, an interim meeting is held to discuss budgets and other pressing matters and is hosted by NMFS in Washington, D.C.

Responsibility for chairing the CCC and hosting the annual meeting rotates annually among the eight councils.


CCC Meetings

CCC Comment Letters


Council Member Ongoing Development (CMOD) Program

Scientific Coordination Subcommittee

Other Subcommittees and Working Groups